Abyssal is a form of High-skill ceiling PvE content in eve that is on a time limit, each abyssal site takes <20minutes to run, or you die and lose your ship+pod for more general information about abyssals, check the eveuni wiki, some of the information will have been copied into this guide for the simple reason to keep the important things in one place.
This guide is written from the perspective of characters with a minimum of skill level V in all support skills, and level V in all primary skills, we strongly suggest not to attempt running above T4 without those skills
The purpose behind this guide is to provide a base knowledge on how to run each abyssal type, and room with the provided fits for solo, duo or triple boxing/playing with friends
Keep in mind that the Abyss itself is not hard content, the difficulty instead comes from learning how to react to each "room" on the fly. There is a learning curve. You will lose ships. Do not let this discourage you though, once you have that knowledge abyssals become much easier and very profitable. It's a fun activity with good isk-making capabilites!
The general suggestion is to find large, quiet systems to run them in, see our discord SIG-channel for our suggested systems.
There are different Tiers of Abyssal, from T0 - T6, the higher the number, the more difficult it is, they also come with limitations on where you can activate the filaments, see the table below for limitations.
Security | No suspect flag | Suspect flag |
1.0 | - | - |
0.9 | - | - |
0.8 | T0, T1, T2, T3 | T4, T5, T6 |
0.7 | T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 | T5, T6 |
0.6 | T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 | T6 |
0.5 | T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 | - |
Weather | Penalty | Bonus |
Electrical |
![]() -30/50/70% EM Resist
-50% Capacitor Recharge Time
Exotic |
-30/50/70% Kinetic Resist
+50% Scan Resolution
Firestorm |
-30/50/70% Thermal Resist
+50% Armor HP
Gamma |
-30/50/70% Explosive Resist
+50% Shield HP
Dark |
-30/50/70% Turret Optimal and Falloff Range
+50% Maximum Velocity
Penalty strength selection
The strength of the penalty found in a given site is determined by a roll between either 30% or 50% through tier 3, and a roll between either 50% or 70% in tier 4 and above, as described in the table below: